Canoe Paddle Racks


Whole Hog Smoker

Water Cooler Rack

Washtub Bass Rack


RRCC members use protected speech
after a capsize on the Duck River.
May, 2005
This means the Halloween costume party on the river will have to be cancelled, of course. But the good news is it will be replaced with a riverside Thanksgiving feast. Jim, can we talk you into cooking your famous Trash Can Turkey? And if so, can we use the can for our double bass when you're done?
The alternate date will be November 12, but only if Vanderbilt loses to Richmond and MTSU between now and then. We just couldn’t bring ourselves to schedule this trip on the weekend that the Commodores may clinch their first winning football season in a quarter of a century. The trip is now the same day (November 19) as the Vanderbilt - Tennessee game, which is best experienced on the radio anyway. Or anything else with an on-off button. UT fans on the trip are welcome to listen if they think they can still get reception from their nice wet spot in the Bell Witch Cave. Hey, Roy. Does that yellow Steamboat hat come in orange?
Here at the RRCC Sports Desk, we think the Sunday paper had one of the best football photos we've ever seen. This is what a mechanical engineer looks like when he's scoring three touchdowns:
By the way, "alternate date" does not mean "rain date". When the levee breaks, we just head to the Superdome:
But it was the following testimonial that really sold us: "To be sure, the over-tones are not as rich, but in general it is a good-sounding and quite interesting instrument, and when compared to a friend's full size conventional string bass, the wash tub special is decidedly louder" (emphasis added).
Building a wash tub bass does not look that hard. All things are revealed on the internet (thank you, Al Gore) so we have our choice of DIY plans available to us for a good tub bass, or even a good nuclear warhead (Warning: RRCC members who click on this link may lose civil liberties under the Patriot Act).
Here is a self-described "simple"design:
But this one looks way simpler:
(Notice that cheap import tubs are not allowed)
And while a nuclear bomb requires things like highly enriched plutonium, a Washtub bass only requires: a washtub, string, four cable clamps, a soup can lid, hose clamps, and a stick ("a 1 1/4 inch diameter dead aspen stick from the forest", according to the directions).
Next up: How to build a $20 Hurdy Gurdy just like Sting's.
Here is audio of a Hurdy Gurdy playing "En Roullant Ma Boulle" - a very old French-Canadian Voyageur's paddling song. Because this is a canoeing web site!
"I started out on Burgundy, but soon hit the harder stuff..."