Our next possession comes straight from the "I-Can't-Believe-We-Didn't-Have-One-Earlier" Department.
The two-man crosscut saw...

This has Rebel Rivers written all over it. It's big. It's steel. It brings down full-size dead trees. It cuts through 9-Man Logs in about five minutes. It gets us in lumberjack competitions. It fits perfectly in a canoe.
Josh gave a mildly alarming financial report at JJ's the other day, but this has got to fall under the "essential items" exception.
Just ask yourself this. What's cooler....
(a) Albert King?

I'm your crosscut saw
Baby, drag me across your log
I'm your crosscut saw
Baby, drag me across your log
I cut your wood so easy for you
You can't help but say "Hot dog!" Listen
(b) These two jessies using a camp saw engineered for patio living?

UNACCEPTABLE! Say goodbye to that old knucklebuster because at the meeting next week we will seek approval for the club purchase of a 5-1/2 foot, two-man, Western-style felling saw from Jim's Crosscut Saws in Roseburg, Oregon.

That's Crosscut Jim on the right.
The "bible" for crosscut saw users is called "Saws That Sing: A Guide to Using the Two-Man Crosscut Saw." What's not to like about a title like that? So we're getting one of those, too.
Looks like we'll also need a sharpening kit.

A scabbard for transporting...
And perhaps a Handy Hookeroon...?
According to "Saws That Sing," the crosscut saw has the following advantages over chainsaws:
1. Never fails to start
2. Safer when dropped
3. Lighter
4. Quieter
5. Burns no fuel (may need beer)
6. "Less susceptible to damage when dropped by parachute"
There's all kinds of interesting stuff out there. Like the difference between felling saws and bucking saws, the different settings for the teeth in different conditions, and why they call it the "misery whip"....
Introduction: Crosscut Saw Manual, 7771-2508-MTDC
National Smokejumper Trail Manual
Apparently it takes hours and hours to sharpen one right. But who among us can possibly take on more tasks during the busy camp set-up period? Where will they find the time?