Buying the trailer was half the fun. The other half will be using it on an official RRCC trip. But the third half is messing around with it to get it just right, which is the stage we're in right now.
Getting it "just right" means fixing some minor problems, adding special
accoutrement, and otherwise pimping out the trailer. Almost everything it will ever need can be done at Nashville Spring Servce on 8th Ave. and their machine shop next door, behind Arnold's meat-and-three.

Every time we hook it up and pull it over there, some excited member calls on their cell phone and says they saw it driving down the street like a Mardi Gras float (twice this week alone).
Here is a current progress report.
1. Fix 10-piece extension. The weld debris left by the manufacturer on the trailer towers kept the removable "Ts" from sliding into place. They also forgot to drill the bolt holes for the extensions. MO Trailers has agreed to reimburse us for the cost of fixing these.
Status: done.
2. Adjust the right lid latch. Screws set too low to secure it easily.
Status: done.
3. Repair faulty brake light.
Status: done.
4. Install trailer jack.
In this case, a 2,000 lb., industrial, swivel-mount trailer jack.

Status: done.
5. Add "water" cooler rack.
Status: Purchased, not installed. Back to NSS for more welding!
6. Get a cooler.
7. With cups.
8. Buy 6" drop-hitch for truck receivers.This is necessary to get the trailer level when it's being pulled by one of the tall trucks in the
rolling stock of the RRCC.
9. Airbrush "The John Lee Pettimore" on both sides.Or go with the more Gilbert & Sullivan
"H.M.S. Pettimore"
10. Pick out some nice truck balls. A perfect agenda item for the pre-trip meeting. May even justify its own pre-trip meeting.
The only other issue to think about right now is whether the 10-place extensions will be pushing the minimum standard bridge height on the Interstate highway system, to say nothing about all the low county road bridges we'll be going under.

We need to decide what our method is going to be: approach slowly and measure the clearance, or not worry about it and just make sure the new guys' canoes are always on top.