So in two consecutive months we'll see two of the best scoreboards in sports.

It's just too bad we can't paddle up to either one of them. We could drop a dutch oven anchor and catch some homerun splashdowns.
However, we'll still need to meet at Brown's before the game. We have to do some real planning for Chicago, plus Mullowney's welder is going to meet us there to take the trailer and complete some unfinished business. It needs to be perfect before we drive it down the Miracle Mile.
The remaining improvements include:
Move trailer jack to tongue
Weld diamond-pattern steel platform onto frame
Attach water cooler mount
Get locks for cargo boxes
New tie-downs
Touch up auto paint after modifications
Also we'll probably want to remove the 10-place racks for this trip.
Try go get to Brown's between 6:00 and 6:30 on the 9th.
Should have some news about Cubs tickets from O.M.I.C. very soon.