Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Notice of Meeting

How is everybody for next Wednesday night, Sept. 7?


1. Fall trip (October or November)
2. Web site
3. Canoe trailer
4. Toast to Kirly
5. Welcome back Loeppky, the Jims, Rob Cannon, new members

Please use the "comments" section below to discuss scheduling time and place.


Anonymous said...

I'm in.

Lucky said...

I can probably do Thursday. Should we meet at Stroud's? If we acquire a trailer now we could probably have a working canoe hauler by the fall float trip since it's the off-season for Kirly's garage.

Stroud's closes at 8:00 pm so we would probably need to be down there around 6:30. That would be a departure from our usual late-night meetings. What's feasible for everybody else? And who is Vergil?

Anonymous said...

I am ok on Wednesday. I cannot attend Thursday. Of course, Lucky has my proxy.

Lucky said...

What football game...?

And does anybody know what Mike's e-mail means?

"Hi Guys
I will be heading to Ireland tomorrow for a week, to distill.
count me in
All the best M C"

Lucky said...

I don't think Thursday (tomorrow) is going to work. We'll try to plan another one in a week or two. In the meantime, I'll get another post started at the top for planning the fall float. Use the "Comments" there to discuss dates.