Friday, November 04, 2005

Red River Campsite Proposal

The choice of campsites on the Red depends on water level to some extent, but I say we aim for the small, second island at the mouth of Sturgeon Creek. The big island is high and wooded, but the one just downstream has a nice, long bar with water on three sides (it's really an "island" only in flood).

The islands are about two-thirds of the way through the 16-mile trip. Probably four hours of paddling assuming low water.

Click on any of these to zoom in...

This is a photo looking upstream from below the islands. The two tall trees in the center background are on the large island:

From La Pavilion to La Penninsula! Standing on the gravel bar, looking downstream:

This shot is taken from the large island, looking downstream at the campsite:

Keep in mind, the scenery won't be quite the same in November. Stuart, can your guys superimpose a light dusting of snow on these images?

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