(866) 506-1416
Passcode: 6157267381
Don't forget Daylight Savings Time ends Saturday night Nov. 6.
It will be helpful if you have a computer and a cold beer in front of you. The RRCC uses the Acme Mapper at http://www.acme.com/ instead of MapQuest or Google Earth because you can switch back and forth between satellite, road maps, "terrain" view, and the USGS topos. We'll need all of them to figure out access points, shuttles, potential gravel bars, etc. Search and zoom to Alton, Missouri and we'll go from there.
There will be lots more to discuss because there are all kinds of moving parts for this trip. Tim still has a yeast infection and can't go so we need to address the beverage situation. Rob has a major transaction closing on Friday the 12th and may need to arrive late. That will, of course, make choosing the put-in and campsites that much more challenging, but that's half the fun. We did get the official phone call from the Okefenokee Wildlife Refuge telling us that our trip is cancelled, so at least that is settled. We also need to get a head count, a canoe count, a guitar count, set a departure time, etc. Here's an agenda you can follow during the call:

By the way, since we are not limited by our permit or by the space on the platforms, anybody who still wants to go can join this trip. It also means we can paddle solo, overloaded canoes again.

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