For a general description of the Buffalo, you can go back and read here and here from Fall 2007 when we did the very lowest section all the way to the confluence with the Duck.
Second Night Campsite on Lower Buffalo River
We also did the middle Buffalo in the Fall of 2000 way back before we were really the RRCC. Which was also before we had cameras which means no pics to show you.
So now we're going to complete the Buffalo trifecta by going all the way up to the section where it goes under the Natchez Trace Parkway in Lewis County. The upper part is small and pretty like the Piney or Yellow Creek, but unlike those rivers it's spring fed so we should have good water levels no matter what.
Our put-in on Saturday morning will be right at the cabin, giving us lots of pure paddling time on Saturday. We can even run the shuttle Friday night if we want to. In the map below, the Friday cabin is marked with a red X. The purple and white road that crosses the river is the Natchez Trace:

Our second night will be in Texas Bottoms (click below):

Texas Bottoms Riffle

Texas Bottoms Bluff

Texas Bottoms and Tops
(More reasons not to get yourself Googled with the RRCC)
Oh what the heck, let's have a pre-trip meeting. How about Brown's this Thursday, April 8 at 7:30?
Cooks: the Minnesota wild rice total is 7.5 lbs dry.
Brer Jack: Texas Bottoms was "Hot Damn!" You know what I'm talking about.
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