Because it is way down upon the Suwanee River, that also means it is far, far away - far from the old folks at home - on the Georgia/Florida border. We will need to leave on a Thursday after work and drive late to complete a two-nighter because we are required to launch before 10:00 am Eastern Time on Friday to avoid getting caught by darkness and spending the night in our canoes. That is just one of the many rules we have to follow to get a permit and keep from getting eaten.

Camping is on designated sites only, most of them on platforms built on stilts in the middle of the swamp like this one.

They are in the same architectural style as Mrs. Cooper's place on the Duck River (Spring Trip, 2005).
There are only a few sites available and demand is high. Applications for permits have to be made by phone EXACTLY TWO MONTHS PRIOR TO OUR RESERVATION. We are going to try for one of the first two weekends in November. The phone lines at the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge open at 7:00 am Eastern Time. Exactly two months prior to our first target weekend falls in the middle of next weekend, which is also a holiday weekend, so we need to start calling on Tuesday morning after Labor Day. All of which means we need to start calling at 6:00 am Central Time on Tuesday, September 7.
The club will gather at a convenient, centrally located Waffle House with our cell phones to increase our chances of success. Check back frequently this week for details. This is important.
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