Wednesday, October 05, 2016

#2. Big Daddy Skillet

Every religion has a relic. The Shroud of Turin, John the Baptist's head, Buddha's tooth, the Nun Bun, etc.

As previously mentioned, we got serious about getting organized at Mrs. Cooper's pavilion, and later the trailer legitimized us as a canoe club.  But the real origin of it all can be traced back to when we bought the Big Daddy Skillet on impulse in Duluth, Minnesota the summer of 2000, came back to Tennessee and decided to go camping with it.  

Here's the proof...


We've bought a lot of equipment since then, but the skillet was the first and it is no exaggeration to say we built the club around the idea that it would be fun - and funny - to haul this gigantic frying pan down the river in a canoe and cook something good in it.  It turns out Big Daddy was good at cooking, and the rest just kind of fell into place after that. 

A lot of artifacts, like ships, are named after women.  There is no gender identity problem here though.  Big Daddy is a mannish boy.  A full grown man.  A natural born lovers man.  A hoochie coochie man.  

With all the new cooking devices we've acquired since then, with all kinds of modern improvements and made out of lighter material, you would think Big Daddy would feel insecure about his place in all this. 

Does he look worried to you?










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