Our hopeful/probable destination is the East Fork of the Stones River. In Rutherford County just on the other side of Murfreesboro.
Depending on how you measure it, the Stones was the first river that we did as a real canoe club. Exactly 15 years ago in the Spring of 2004. That was the trip of the first Osso Bucco and the beer pigs, and led to the adoption of some of the first RRCC regulations, especially new rules on medical marijuana and concealed carry.

It also had one of the best gravel bar islands we've ever camped on...
We can't guarantee it will work out to stop there again because river access points have changed in the last 15 years and we have not been able to scout them because of high water and flooding. But there are many good gravel bars like it along the way. We will for sure stop and have a toast.
We will also pass the old site where Brown's Mill used to be. When we did it in 2004 the mill was gone but the remains of the dam were still there which created some excitement for us getting through.
Below is a surprisingly in-depth video about the mill and the removal of that dam in 2014. It's excellent and is mandatory viewing if you're even thinking about going on this trip.
Basically, they blew up the dam just for us. So the least we can do is go float it again.
That was one for the ages. I woke up to a small dog or maybe a squirrel eating my vomit!
Hey Greg~!!
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