First of all, you look great. None of us at the RRCC can even believe you had a baby two months ago. By the way, we noticed that the Rebel Rivers canoe trip happens to include a small part of the morning of the second Sunday in May this year. As a Demmas, we’re sure you already enjoyed your first Greek Mother's Day which is held on March 15 in honor of Rhea, wife of Cronus and mother to the gods and goddesses, and that you can’t be bothered with the commercialized American version that was arbitrarily set in May by Hallmark Greeting Cards and Woodrow Wilson.
Nevertheless, just to make sure it's clear how much we at the RRCC (including Jim) appreciate mothers (including you), you should know that we named an oven in their honor. Whatsmore, if Jim is allowed to go, we will leave an extra car at the take out and he can paddle out early Sunday morning, leave Big Red on the bank for us to pick up, and he’ll be back in Nashville in time to bring you "honey cakes, fine drinks and flowers at dawn". In fact, it would be great if he gave Stuart a ride back to town because it’s been harder and harder to get him to the airport on time since Delevante joined the club and we started drinking beer on Sunday.
But back to Mother’s Day: I happen to know that all of the RRCC members are considering giving their mothers an expensive piece of Suzanne M. jewelry and I bet it would really help if they could talk about it with Jim on the trip. Maybe you could send a few pieces along in his tackle box that we could pass around. Or maybe you’d like some free advertising space on this site.
Anyway, thanks for listening. Jim isn’t cooking this year so it’s not about the food. If he wanted to do a nice appetizer or something that would be fine, too.
The Rebel Rivers Canoe Club

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