Apparently there are a lot of people flying in for this trip with fly rods - lured by the prospect of tailwater rainbow trout. We've caught our share of trout on RRCC trips before. Back when corn was free.
Most of us regular members prefer just to winch them in with a spinning reel. But if you're going to get all Norman McClean on us, there's a professor at Sewanee who has written some pieces on fly fishing the Tennessee Elk. They're here: River Essays.
You'll need a Trout Stamp in addition to the usual Tennessee fishing license. This is highly relevant because most of the put ins on the Elk are government accesses which means wildlife agents patrol the parking lots checking fishing licenses, and size and creel limits. You can get both the license and the stamp here: http://www.wildlifelicense.com/tn/

In spite of what the sign says, the access points are now maintained just by TVA since the Tennessee Elk River Development was dissolved. They probably got tired of their embarassing acronym.
Speaking of humorous word play, did anyone catch the accidental one in the last post? "Bob's spot will be taken by the Vanderbilt Chancellor's wife...." Say that out loud three times fast. Now that is funny. Much funnier than the rest of the stuff on here, really.
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