If two canoes go down Friday with Mullowney and Big George that will leave us eleven to carry down on Saturday….no problem. The Suburban and the canoe trailer alone can carry nine (although eight is easier) and Sands will already have his canoe on his truck with room for one more. Greg, if you’re going to drive you can just bring your canoe on Saturday and leave it up.
Canoe Assignments
Nothing mandatory about these, it’s just the only way to get a handle on how we’re going to get sixteen people down the river in thirteen boats on two different days. Lots of people have their own boat, though, so most of these make sense.
Hindman Bell - Hindman
Cannon Dagger - Harrington
Hindman Folbot (kayak) - Kirly
Hindman Dagger – Greenfield
Hindman Perception (kayak) – Frankel
Myers Mad River – Myers and Balestrieri
Hindman Grumman – Ditenhafer and Swearingen
Niarhos Wenonah – Niarhos and Risi
May Old Town – May
Sands canoe - Sands
Loeppky Grumman – Loeppky
Mullowney Old Town – Mullowney (Friday)
Myers [borrowed] - Big George (Friday)
If you don’t have a sleeping bag, pad or tent or if you're flying in we’re assuming someone else is taking care of finding what you need. You better confirm with whoever that someone else is. Everything else is taken care of…food, beer, whiskey, kitchen stuff, paddles, stringed instruments, etc. However, we will have a paddle, lifejacket and tent count on Saturday just before we leave to make sure we have enough of the first two and not too many of the third. Tents are big space suckers. And we need to make sure the Friday canoes are full.
Here's some more preview pics....
The unusually cold water in the Elk means there's usually a thick fog on the river in the morning.

This last picture is the RRCC camp early in the morning.
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