Wednesday, March 27, 2019

2nd Half Plan

Ok, the last time we talked we had made it to McKnight Branch five miles down the river.  That will be Campsite #1.

Here's the map for the second half of the trip (still paddling right to left on your screen).

Given our more "mature" approach to river miles, and the fact this will be two nights instead of one, it seemed unlikely we could camp at the big gravel bar island again.  But it turns out that for the very same reasons we may end up in that general vicinity the second night. Not making any promises, but that could be Campsite #2.  It's definitely a good one:

Here is the current roster based on the info I have:

Pete F. Feldman
Dave Coviello
David Fox

Vernon is a maybe.  Mullowney will be out of the country

And here is a Public Service Announcement:

Of course, this only applies if we catch enough fish to make a dinner so...

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