Tuesday, October 18, 2022

We found a lantern, actually more than one, and we found Old Glory.  So I think we're all set.

Final roster:

Rob H.
Pete F
Rob Cannon

Rob, Skip, Pete and Vernon will meet at Vernon's farm at 8:30 am and load the trailer, then go to the put-in and run the shuttle.

Josh will pick up Stuart at the airport and then will meet us at the put-in whenever they can get there, probably between 1:00 and 2:00.

Mullowney and Rob Cannon we assume you will meet us at the put-in unless we hear otherwise from you.  If you want your trucks to be at the take-out you need to arrive in time to participate in the shuttle.  Probably no later than 11:00.

The put-in is Bell Bridge on Highway 13.  You can put "Crazy Horse Recreational Park" (Waynesboro, TN) in your GPS and it will take you right there, although we will launch on the opposite side of the river.  It's two hours from Nashville.

Weather looks amazing.  Sunny paddling during the day and cold nights by the fire, but bring your long johns for sleeping.  Remember:  BYO water, beer, plates, cups and silverware.  Also, lunch on Thursday is on your own but can be found in Linden if you're part of the shuttle crew.  Everyone else plan accordingly.


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